
I decided to make this website because, I also suffer from migraines. By using a diary I was able to prevent majority of my headaches. So, this is my try to make life easier for me and you. During these 10 painful years, I started keeping track of my headaches, what the pain was like, what could have caused it, which medicine helped me...I listened to my body very carefully, and I would make notes. And then, when I sensed that the next headache was near, I would try to recognize which one was similar in the past, what helped me, and what didn't. I would use that information to save myself from another painful experience. Taking notes got a little messy, so I made free online migraine diary to make it easier.

This migraine diary is COMPLETELY FREE, my only satisfaction is knowing that I helped someone. By using "My Migraine Diary" you will be able to:

bullet1 Create, edit, delete or view headache entries
bullet2 Find most frequent migraine triggers
bullet3 Find most frequent pre-migraine symptoms
bullet4 Type migraine symptoms to get suggested treatment(experimental)
bullet5 Print all diary entries for your doctor (highly recommended)

Register now and start tracking your migraine headaches today!
I will also post helpful information on my blogs page, what scientists found out about migraines, what makes them less painful and of course, my personal experience.

I sincerely hope this website will be helpful to you, as it is to me, because by keeping track of my headaches I'm able to prevent all my migraine attacks from fully develop, when medications do not really have any effect.

In other words, I have managed to keep my migraines under control, enabling me a happier life without excruciating migraine pain.

Finally, I would like to thank my wife Smiljka for the support and effort she put into this website, since this project would not be possible without her. Although I did all the programming, she is the one that takes care about the website content, newsletters and user database curation.
Missing sleep, getting too much sleep, napping, or even going to bed and getting up on an irregular schedule can trigger migraines.
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